Veemon - Digimon

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2016

The Beginning of Veemon Adventures

Once opon a time the Digital World...
And in this world exist a DemiVeemon.
This Demiveemon like adventures.
And him adventures will start more soon  than he think.
DemiVeemon:Wow this is an incredible day. 
It's so sunny. 
I'm gonna walk. 
Kuwagumon:What is that Digimon?
It's not interesting I will destroy him.
Kuwagumon:Scissor Claw. 
DemiVeemon:What is happening?
It's better if I run. 
Kuwagumon:Scissor Claw. 
Chibimon:Help me.
Agumon:Pepper Breath. 
DemiVeemon:Who are you?
Agumon:I'm Agumon. 
Kuwagumon:Scissor Claw. 
Chibimon:I don't d
permit you touch in Agumon. 
Listen to the music

DemiVeemon Digivolve To...
Veemon:Veemon Head. 
Agumon:You are strong. 
Veemon:Thank you.
Veemon Head.
Agumon:Pepper Breath. 
Veemon:Veemon Head. 
Kuwagumon:You can't win. 
Take this.
DemiVeemon:Oh no.I'm a DemiVeemon again.  
Koromon:And I'm a Koromon again. 
DemiVeemon:But if you think you can defeat us.
Koromon:You're wrong. 
DemiVeemon Digivolve To...    
Koromon Digivolve To... 
Agumon:Pepper Breath. 
V-Mon:I'm going. 
Veemon Head. 
Kuwagumon is defeated.
Stop listen to music
Veemon:We won!
Agumon:I've a think to tell you. 
Agumon:You want to battle for the Light Side?
This digimon will battle for the Light Side?
Don't lose they adventures. 
In the next chapter...
Our heroes will do an exam to enter in the Light Side. 
They will finish the exam?
In the next chapter...
The Exam for the Light Side (Part 1).
Veemon:We will be heroes .

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