Veemon - Digimon

quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2019

The Adventures of Veemon Season 1 Chapter 6

After battling against the goblins, Flamedramon and Agumon were teleported.
They were teleported to the Light Kingdom...
AngewomonAngewomon:Hello Agumon and Flamedramon.
We called you, because we have to say you somethings.
FlamedramonFlamedramon:Yes your majesties.
MagnaAngemonMagna Angemon:You are using to much the power of the Digi-Egg of Courage.
You have to deal with digimons of your level without digivolving.
FlamedramonFlamedramon:But, I need this power to help Agumon.
AngewomonAngewomon:We understand you, but you digivolve so many times that you are Flamedramon right now.
MagnaAngemonMagna Angemon:Because of that we are going to present you a special train.
AgumonAgumon:A special train??
You'll train with Piximon.
But before that you are going to be Veemon again.
 VeemonVeemon:Who is Piximon?
PiximonTraining with Piximon Part 1
MagnaAngemonMagna Angemon:Piximon it's one of our allies that trains digimons in the power and in the spirit.
AngewomonAngewomon:She lives in the Pixi Cliff, it's close from here.
I almost forgot, take this Saint Bracelets, with them you can teleport to the locations that you had already visited.
MagnaAngemonMagna Angemon:Take a good trip.
 AgumonAgumon:Thanks, your majesty.
 VeemonVeemon:Let's go Agumon.
In the way to the Pixi Cliff...
VeemonVeemon:That's a Dokugumon.
Resultado de imagem para Dokugumon
AgumonAgumon:It's a Champion Level Digimon.
VeemonVeemon:Let's win this battle.
AgumonAgumon:What? You want to challenge him.
VeemonVeemon.Of course.
DokugumonDokugumon:Venom Blast
VeemonVeemon:I won't use the Digi-Egg
VeemonVeemon:Vee Head e Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
DokugumonDokugumon:You are decided to win. All right.
Venom Blast
I won't lose.
Head Slam
AgumonAgumon:I'll fight too.
Claw Attack
Resultado de imagem para kuchu Baby Flame agumon
VeemonVeemon:Here I go.
VeeHead e Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
DokugumonDokugumon:You can't win me.
Venom Blast
AgumonAgumon:Use the Digi-Egg.
VeemonVeemon:We can win.
AgumonAgumon:We don't stand a chance like this way.
VeemonV-Mon:Ok, but I'll be Veemon again.
Digi Armor Energize
Veemon:Veemon Armor Digivolve To...
Imagem relacionada
Imagem relacionada
FlamedramonFlamedramon:Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage.
Flaming Fist
Resultado de imagem para knuckle fire fladramon
AgumonAgumon:Pepper Breath
Imagem relacionada
FlamedramonFladramon:Let's go.
 Agumon FlamedramonAgumon e Fladramon:Burning Flaming Rocket

Imagem relacionada
DokugumonDokugumon:I shall come back.
VeemonVeemon:Let's go to the Pixi Cliff.
In the Pixi Cliff
VeemonVeemon:There's somebody here called Piximon?
PiximonPiximon:Ya, that's me.
Who're you?
VeemonVeemon:I'm Veemon and this guy is Agumon.
PiximonPiximon:It was Magna Angemon and Angewomon that tell you to come here?
We would like to train.
PiximonPiximon:Ok. First the Digi-Egg user.
VeemonVeemon:That's me.
PiximonPiximon:When you need to use it use , but I don't let you use until you reach the fifth level of the training
Every training has 6 levels.
Level 1
PiximonPiximon:In your first level, there are two Kokuwamons.
VeemonVeemon:It's time to take them down.
KokuwamonKokuwamon¹:We're the winners
Power Surge
VeemonV-Mon:I'll be victorius.
Vee Head e Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
KokuwamonKokuwamon²:It wioll be tough for you.
Mini Scissor Arms
VeemonVeemon:Head Slam
KokuwamonKokuwamon²:Power Surge
VeemonVeemon:Head Slam

KokuwamonKokuwamon¹:It's time to use it.
KokuwamonKokuwamon¹²:Electro Strike
Kokuwamon illustcon.jpg
Kokuwamon illustcon.jpg
VeemonVeemon:Vee Head
Head Slam
Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
Level 2
PiximonPiccolomon:In this level there is a Hagurumon and a Lunamon.
VeemonVeemon:All right
HagurumonHagurumon:Cog Crusher
VeemonVeemon:I'll dodge.
I did it.
Lunamon vpet xloader.pngLunamon:Tearing Bubbles
Lunamon collectors.jpg
VeemonVeemon:This level is difficult, but I'll win.
Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
Lunamon vpet xloader.pngLunamon:Pixi Impact
Lunamon art dc.png

VeemonVeemon:I'll do it.
Gyral Punch

HagurumonHagurumon:You'll pay.
Darkness Gear

Lunamon vpet xloader.pngLunamon:You won't be lucky.
Pixi Impact

Lunamon art dc.png

VeemonVeemon:I'll finish you both

Gyral Punch

Hagurumon Lunamon vpet xloader.pngHagurumon and Lunamon:@-@.
Level 3
PiximonPiximon:In this level you'll face Gabumon and Gomamon
VeemonVeemon:I'm ready.
GabumonGabumon:Blue Blaster
Imagem relacionada
GomamonGomamon:Fish Power
Resultado de imagem para marching fishes gomamon
VeemonVeemon:Here I go.
Gyral Punch
Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
GabumonGabumon:Blue Blaster Burst
VeemonVeemon:Here I go.
Gyral Punch
Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
Head Slam
Gabumon GomamonGabumon and Gomamon:@-@.
Level 4
PiximonPiximon:This time you'll face Shalomon and Monodramon.
ShakomonShakomon:Black Pearl Blast
Shakomon 2.png
Monodramon battle dtb.pngMonodramon:Shadow Wing Drive
Monodramon2 b.jpg
VeemonVeemon:Vee Head

ShakomonShakomon:Black Pearl Blast
Shakomon 2.png
Water Pressure
VeemonVeemon:Here comes.
Gyral Punch
Vee Punch
Imagem relacionada
Monodramon battle dtb.pngMonodramon:Shadow Wing Drive
Monodramon2 b.jpg
VeemonV-Mon:I'll end this.
Gyral Punch
Monodramon battle dtb.pngMonodramon:@-@.
Level 5
PiximonPiximon:You have to face the same enemies, but they can digivolve.
ShakomonShakomon:Black Pearl Blast
Shakomon 2.png
Water Pressure
ShakomonShakomon Digivolve To...
Octmon battle dtb.pngOctomon
Octmon battle dtb.pngOctomon:Octopus Trap
VeemonVeemon:Oh no.
Monodramon battle dtb.pngMonodramon:Shadow Wing Driv e
Monodramon2 b.jpg
Monodramon battle dtb.pngMonodramon Digivolve To...
Strikedramon battle dtb.pngStrikedramon

Strikedramon battle dtb.pngStrikedramon:Strike Flame
Strikedramon collctors.png
VeemonVeemon:That's enough.
Digi-Armor Energize
Veemon:Veemon Armor Digivolve To...
Imagem relacionada
Imagem relacionada
FlamedramonFlamedramon:Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage
Flaming Fist
Resultado de imagem para knuckle fire fladramon
Strikedramon battle dtb.pngStrikedramon:Strike Flame
Strikedramon collctors.png
Octmon battle dtb.pngOctomon:Octopus Trap

FlamedramonFlamedramon:It's too soon to give up.
Burning Shot
Fladramon collectors.png
This is all my power.
Flaming Fist
Resultado de imagem para knuckle fire fladramon
Burning Shot
Fladramon collectors.png
Flaming Rocket

Strikedramon battle dtb.png  Octmon battle dtb.pngStrikedramon e Octomon:@-@.
Level  6 
PiximonPiximon:For last there's Lunamon and Kokuwamon.
They can digivolve.
Lunamon vpet xloader.pngLunamon Digivolve To...
Lekismon dst battle.pngLekismon
Lekismon dst battle.pngLekismon:Moon Power Kick
Lekismon crusader.jpg

KokuwamonKokuwamon Digivolve To...
Thunderballmon dst battle.pngThundermon
Thunderballmon dst battle.pngThundermon:Thunder Volt
FlamedramonFlamedramon:Let's go.
Burning Shot
Fladramon collectors.png
Thunderballmon dst battle.pngThundermon:Intercepting Bomber
I'm not finish yet.
Jolt Bomb
Lekismon dst battle.pngLekismon:Ice Arrows
Lekismon collectors.png
FlamedramonFlamedramon:I'll win.
Burning Shot
Fladramon collectors.png
Flaming Rocket
Lekismon dst battle.png  Thunderballmon dst battle.pngLekismon e Thundermon:@-@.
PiximonPiximon:You did it.
Training Complete.
VeemonVeemon:I did it.
AgumonAgumon:Well done Veemon.
PiximonPiximon:(Thinking)What a great power up.
He is more stronger than before.
VeemonVeemon 50---170
FlamedramonFlamedramon 150---300
PiximonPiximon:(Thinking)He is really strong now.
Even Flamedramon is more strong.
AgumonAgumon:I'm next
Veemon completed is training and he is stronger now.
Agumon is next.
Next Chapter
Training with Piximon Part 2